This article is about the latest CBSE Notification which talks about the Updation in OASIS and Filling Up the Details of Permitted Sections!


Dear Madam/Sir,

This is in continuation to Board’s letter no.CBSE/CE/PS/Coord/2023 dated 24.07.2023 regarding the above subject.

The following may be read as in this letter:

“In case, the schools are running less sections (more sections are granted in the letter issued in the grant letter/upgradation letters, as the case may be), in such situations also the schools have to apply in the SARAS portal for Section increase. However, no fee will be applicable in such cases.”

This is for your information and necessary action.

Previous Notice Issued on July 24

This year the Board has introduced a new category link on SARAS for the increase/decrease of the land area of affiliated schools. It has been brought to the notice of the Board, that while applying in this category and while seeking updation of Sections with/without land area change, the following issues were being faced by schools:

  • Zero section appearing in IX-XII classes (after the grant of up-gradation).
  • Section increase permission received, however, unable to update sections in OASIS.
  • Fresh Affiliation/Up-gradation granted, however, unable to update section in OASIS.
  • Unable to update section with respect to the land area available.
  • Unable to update the sections.
  • OASIS data edited, but not being saved.
  • Requests received to inter-change the sections within the permissible limits between two classes.
  • Schools not able to fill the students’ details in double shift.
  • Many schools have been permitted the increase in sections, in affiliation grant letters/up-gradation letters and got approval to increase sections in SARAS 3.0 (but were running fewer sections on account of Covid). Now they want to increase sections but they are not able to update OASIS.
  • Not able to exceed 40 students per section. Whereas, schools are having upto 45 students per section.

This is to inform you that the system has been further streamlined and now the schools can correct/update the data in the OASIS. In case the school wants to increase the number of sections it may go to the SARAS portal (CBSE Affiliation unit).

Read more here: CBSE Notification: Updation in OASIS and Filling Up the Details of Permitted Sections: Read Here!

Parties to Take Note

  • Deputy Secretary to Chairperson CBSE for kind information of the Chairperson.
  • Sr. PPS to the Controller of Examinations, CBSE.
  • PPS to the Director IT, CBSE.
  • The Regional Directors/Officers so that while permitting direct admission,
    the section strength of the school as mentioned above may be kept in mind.
  • Web admin with the request to upload it on the CBSE website.

Click here to read the official notification of the CBSE Notification: Updation in OASIS and Filling Up the Details of Permitted Sections [In Continuation With the Notice Issued on July 24].

Image taken fromΒ here.