Submissions are invited for The Page Is Printed 2025 Creative Writing Competition by Tacchi Morris Art Centre. The last date of submission is January 13, 2025.

About Tacchi Morris

Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre is a community venue in Taunton in England that hosts a range of theatre, dance, music and comedy performances, classes and activity by professional companies, community and education groups.

Competition Details

Write in any genre: prose, poetry, script, a confession, a love letter, a list… be bold, be imaginative, but contain your entry to just one side of A4.

Unleash your creativity and let your imagination run wild! Whether it’s prose that transports readers to distant worlds, poetry that stirs the soul, a script that captivates with its dialogues, a confession that lays bare the depths of the heart, a love letter that resonates with passion, or even a list that surprises and intrigues – the possibilities are endless.

But remember, the canvas is limited to just one side of A4 paper. This constraint challenges you to distill your brilliance into a concise and powerful expression. It’s an invitation to be economical with your words, to craft something that lingers in the mind long after it’s read.

The panel of judges will be looking for something that dares to be different and most importantly something that comes to life when it is read aloud.

Entry Fee

 FREE entry for Under 18s (one entry only).

Submission Guidelines

  • All entries, regardless of your age, should be no longer than one side of A4 (minimum font size of 10pt) and saved in pdf format.
  • You retain the copyright of anything you submit to the competition.
  • By submitting your entry to the competition you confirm that you have the right to submit the piece and that it is of your own creation. Please do not submit content that has been created with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI) as these types of entries are ineligible.
  • For your entry to be valid, you must complete each part of the ‘How To Enter’ section, relevant for your age category.
  • If you are an entrant aged under 18, by submitting your entry to the competition you are confirming that you have permission from your parent(s)/guardian(s) to do so and that they have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.
  • The prizes have no cash value and cannot be sold on for profit or gain but may be transferred.


Vouchers for overseas based winners will be for Waterstones[dot]com. There will be no cash alternative.

How to Submit?

Interested participants can submit online via this link.

Submission Deadline

The last date of submission is January 13, 2025.


Email: thepageisprinted[at]tacchi-morris[dot]com

Click here to view the official notification of The Page Is Printed 2025 Creative Writing Competition by Tacchi Morris Art Centre.