Registrations are invited for CBSE Online Awareness Training Programme 2023 for Principals and Teachers on Various Skill Subjects. There is no fee for attending the awareness programmes.
About the Programme
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has planned to conduct online Awareness Programme for the Principals/teachers on various skill subjects as per the schedule given below:
Subject | Date and Timings | Link for Registration |
Salesmanship | 7th June, 2023 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm | Register here |
Introduction to Financial Markets | 13th June, 2023 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm | Register here |
Marketing | 16th June, 2023 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm | Register here |
Important Points
- There is no fee for attending above said awareness programmes.
- Principal/teachers teaching ‘Salesmanship’, ‘Introduction to Financial Markets’ and ‘Marketing’ as a skill subject in a CBSE affiliated school can register for attending above-mentioned training programme using the above mentioned link.
- As limited seats are available, selection of participants shall be on first come-first serve basis.
- The Principal/ teachers shortlisted for the programme will be informed one day prior to the programme through email on the e-mail Id provided at the time of registration.
Email: skedu_ap1[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in