Registrations are open and invited for the G20 Summit Quiz Competition 2023 by MyGov & Ministry of Education, India.

About the Quiz

The G20 Summit focuses on strengthening multilateral economic relations among developed and developing countries of the world.

The focus area is to ensure the revival and recovery of the global economy, work towards ensuring financial stability and strengthen pathways for achieving Sustainable Development Goals. India will be hosting G20 Summit in September 2023.

The Quiz questions are designed to increase your awareness about G20 and its importance in promoting peace and harmony for progress and development.


The main objectives of the quiz competition are to:

  • Create awareness about the historical background of the G20 Summit.
  • Develop knowledge about the objectives of the Summit.
  • Promote understanding of its salient features and provisions.
  • Encourage children to relate to different parameters of G20.

Eligibility Criteria

Entry to the Quiz is open to all Indian citizens.

Terms & Conditions

  • The Quiz questions are designed carefully to assess the knowledge and understanding of the G20.
  • Each question in the Quiz is in the Multiple Choice Format and has only one correct answer.
  • Each Question carries 1 mark. Students are required to attempt all questions in total.
  • The Quiz questions are prepared in both Hindi and English.
  • You are allowed to attempt the Quiz only once and only one option will be accepted for a question. However, you may revise your answer before the final submission.
  • After responding to a question, click on the β€œNext Question” button to go to the next question.
  • No negative marking will be done.
  • After attempting questions, a final submission should be clicked. No changes can be made after the final submission.

How to Participate?

Interested candidates can participate in the quiz via this link.

Participation Deadline

June 22, 2023.


Certificates will be issued to all the participants.

Click here to view the official notification of the G20 Summit Quiz Competition 2023.