Registrations are invited for Online Course on Artificial Intelligence by NIELIT Gorakhpur. The course duration is 6 weeks.

About NIELIT Gorakhpur

NIELIT, Gorakhpur Centre (Formerly DOEACC Society, Gorakhpur Centre) was established as Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India (CEDTI) in June, 1989. It is an Autonomous Scientific Society under the administrative control of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. It caters to the training, Consultancy, Design and Product Development needs of small scale IT Industries and allied sectors. It also conducts training programmes for promotion of Entrepreneurs.

Course Details

Artificial intelligence is broad and fast growing sub-field of computer science concerned with the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the intelligence displayed by humans. This course covers all the foundation skills necessary to start the Artificial Intelligence and its implementation in Python.

Python is a open-source language with a simple syntax, and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted language, with a rich programming environment. It is widely used in many scientific areas for data exploration and prediction, Expert System, Neural network, Speech recognition and Natural language processing.

The course will start from July 18, 2023.

After completing the module, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the basic concepts of Python language.
  • Understand the development of GUI based application.
  • Understand Database Connectivity with python application.
  • Understand the basics of Machine Learning & their types.
  • Understand various learning models, methods and applications under supervised and unsupervised learning.
  • Understand data preprocessing for Machine Learning.
  • Solve real world problems through machine learning implementation leading to predictions.

Job Roles of Course

After successful completion of the qualification the candidates shall be employed in the industries for following occupations:

  • Python Developer.
  • Machine Learning Developer.


12th with knowledge of Programming Language.

Course Fees

Rs 4500/- including GST.

Total Duration of Course

90 Hours (Theory: 30Hrs, Practical: 60Hrs).

How to Apply?

Interested students can apply online via this link.


Email: gorakhpur[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in

Click here to view the official notification for Online Course on Artificial Intelligence by NIELIT Gorakhpur.