Registrations are invited for the International Drawing Olympiad for classes 1 to 10 by Indian Talent Olympiad. Register by Sep 15!

About Indian Talent Olympiad

Indian Talent Olympiad was established in 2012 by leading academicians & scientists of the country, with the objectives of identifying and nurturing student talent leading to improved academic performance.

It helps to assess the knowledge, level of understanding, and reasoning ability of students (Class 1 to Class 10) across India.

Over 35,874+ schools registered for the Indian Talent Olympiad Examinations till now and millions of students appeared in the Olympiad exams across India.

Over the past years, we have won the trust of over 1 Crore parents. More than 7 lakhs of teachers across the country have supported us in conducting our Indian Talent Olympiad event.

About the International Drawing Olympiad

International Drawing Olympiad (IDO) exams are conducted once a year at the National level in respective schools. Apart from excelling in academics, it is important for students to focus on soft skills such as drawing, painting, sketching, and so on.

There are many students in India who have exceptional drawing skills. Schools engage students in such activities in their free time to encourage young talent. Teachers are in a better position to identify students who are interested in different art forms.

The activities conducted in school are enough for teachers to identify the imagination of students. The Drawing Competition is open for students from Class 1 to Class 10.

The objective behind such exams is to enhance and sharpen creativity among them. It allows students to maintain a balance between academics and co-curricular activities. Drawing is the best form of expression, which reveals true imagination.

How to Participate?

  • To participate in International Drawing Olympiad (IDO) exams, students can contact their art teachers in their respective schools.
  • Indian Talent Olympiad is one such organization which believes in bringing out the hidden talent in students through Drawing Competitions.
  • The ITO is based in Mumbai but has collaborated with schools across the country. Schools can register online and opt for Olympiad exams. This is the right platform for talented students to showcase their interest and aptitude for art.
  • Olympiad exams play an important role in nurturing a child’s future. It makes them ready to face national-level competitions. The exam is conducted in their respective schools.
  • Teachers should encourage students to participate in this exam as it is a unique exam, to spread their imagination on paper in the form of drawings and paintings.
  • Indian Talent Olympiad rewards deserving students with prizes and awards for topping in the International Drawing Olympiad exam.


The syllabus for the International Drawing Olympiad (IDO) exam is according to the age and class of students. This exam is conducted for classes 1 to 10 and thus the syllabus is different for each class.

Students are tested on their ability to draw, express their creativity, theme, colour combination, choice of topics, the message conveyed, attractiveness and so on. Each and every child has a unique ability to express in his/her own way.

Drawing is one such subject that improves concentration, motivates the young mind and also conveys messages in the best possible way. Class-level drawing competitions are conducted in all schools, but competitions conducted at national levels hold a lot of importance.

Students are given cash awards, scholarships, excellence certificates, medals and so on for showcasing their talent to the world. Students who draw well and can express themselves through their strokes are believed to be very talented. Drawing skills can be built up at any age. The earlier they start, the better it is for them to excel.

Click on any of the following buttons to access the syllabus:

How to Prepare?

To prepare for the Drawing Olympiad, students need to be aware of the syllabus. Students need to refer to good resources in the form of workbooks to understand the requirements of the exam. Early preparation is always beneficial to all participants.

Students can practice drawing on their own by looking at pictures, and bring their own ideas to life in the best way possible. Preparing for a drawing competition is not a challenging task.

You need to have your perspective in place. Take some time and decide what you need to draw. You can refer to previous drawings, add in your creativity, decide your view and start at eye level. Those pursuing a career in fine arts, architecture, interior designing, fashion designing and other creative fields must take part in this exam.

Since the pattern and ideology of these exams are different from other subjects, students need to prepare for the IDO exam separately. Those who prepare for the Drawing Olympiad automatically score well on the Creative Ability Test, which is conducted at various colleges and universities for creative courses.  

Drawing Olympiad Workbook

Indian Talent Olympiad provides workbooks for the International Drawing Olympiad (IDO) exam. These are available for classes 1 to 10. Here, students can refer to different drawing patterns, strokes, colour combinations, ideas, perspectives, and views and develop individual skills.

The workbooks can be purchased from our official website at a nominal cost. The books have class-wise topics that students can refer to enhance their creativity. A step-by-step tutorial is present in all the drawing workbooks by Indian Talent Olympiad. Students find these workbooks very useful to train themselves. Parents can also help their young ones to focus on individual topics and assist them to master the perfect stroke.

Click here to buy the International Computer Olympiad Workbook.

How to Register?

To register for this olympiad, click here.

Deadline to Register

September 15, 2023.

Click here to read the official notification of the International Drawing Olympiad by Indian Talent Olympiad [For Classes 1 to 10; Dec 19 to Jan 16].

Image taken from here.