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CBSE Notification: Integration of Virtuals Labs in Teaching-Learning: Read Here!

CBSE Notification Integration of Virtuals Labs in Teaching-Learning

CBSE Notification Integration of Virtuals Labs in Teaching-Learning

This article talks about the CBSE Notification: Integration of Virtuals Labs in Teaching-Learning. Read Here!

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by the Government of India. Established in 1929 by a resolution of the government, the Board was an experiment towards inter-state integration and cooperation in the sphere of secondary education. There are more than 27,000 schools in India and 240 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE. All schools affiliated to CBSE follow the NCERT curriculum especially from class 9 to 12. The current Chairperson of CBSE is Rahul Singh, IAS.

Technological advancements have provided a plethora of tools to teachers that can be used in classroom to provide experiential learning. One such tool is Virtual Labs which were launched on DIKSHA on 29th July 2022, as per the recommendation of NEP 2020 clause 24.4 which states “Existing e-learning platforms such as DIKSHA, SWAYAM, and SWAYAMPRABHA will also be leveraged for creating virtual labs so that all students have equal access to quality practical and hands-on experiment-based learning experiences”.

CIET- NCERT in terms of its communication vide mail dated 26.11.2024 has informed phase-wise weekly online trainings on “Integration of Virtual Labs in Teaching-Learning” from 02- 11 December 2024 (Phase- II) from 10.00 am – 11.00 am to enhance the understanding of teachers, and other stakeholders on the efficient use of resources available in virtual labs.

Programme Schedule:

Day & DateTitle of the Session
02.12.2024 (Monday)Virtual Labs: Need Perspective and Scope
03.12.2024 (Tuesday)Virtual Lab as a teaching learning tool for Biology
04.12.2024 (Wednesday)Virtual Lab as a teaching learning tool for Physics
05.12.2024 (Thursday)Virtual Lab as a teaching learning tool for Computer Science
09.12.2024 (Monday)Virtual Lab as a teaching learning tool for Languages
10.12.2024 (Tuesday)Virtual Lab as a teaching learning tool for Chemistry
11.12.2024 (Wednesday)Virtual Lab as a teaching learning tool for Mathematics

These sessions will be telecast on PM eVIDYA DTH TV channels (classes VI- XII) and NCERT official YouTube channel.

All Principals/Heads of schools affiliated to CBSE are requested to disseminate the information suitably for benefit of educators.

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