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Certificate Course on Python Programming at NIELIT Gorakhpur [Class 12 onwards; 4 Weeks; Offline; Course Starts from July 11]: Apply Now!

Certificate Course on Python Programming at NIELIT Gorakhpur

Certificate Course on Python Programming at NIELIT Gorakhpur

Applications are invited for Certificate Course on Python Programming at NIELIT Gorakhpur. The course is of 4 weeks duration.

NIELIT, Gorakhpur Centre (Formerly DOEACC Society, Gorakhpur Centre) was established as Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India (CEDTI) in June, 1989. It is an Autonomous Scientific Society under the administrative control of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. It caters to the training, Consultancy, Design and Product Development needs of small scale IT Industries and allied sectors. It also conducts training programmes for promotion of Entrepreneurs.

The centre has a total covered area of 3450 sq. mtrs and hostel building for 70 students. It is now under the Administrative control of NIELIT , Govt. of India as per the decision of the government (DeitY) office Memorandum No. 15 (45)/2002 Gov. dated 29 Nov. 2002.

NIELIT Gorakhpur has been granted affiliation for the conduct of M.Tech.[ Electronics Design and Technology],by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow formerly UPTU Lucknow. It is also an accredited centre for ‘O’ and ‘A’ level Software Courses ,’O’ and ‘A’ level in Bio-Informatics and for ‘O’ and ‘A’ level Hardware Courses.

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation.

Introduction to Programming, Algorithm and Flowcharts to solve problems, Introduction to Python, Operators, Expressions and Python Statements, Sequence data Types, Function, File Processing, NumPy etc.

10+2 qualified with Basic Knowledge of Computers.

Basic Knowledge of Computers.

Bilingual (English & Hindi).

Rs. 4720/- incl. GST & all other charges.

Certificate will be provided to the participants, based on minimum 75% attendance and on performance (minimum 50% marks) in the online test, conducted at the end of the course.

Interested students can apply online via this link.

Email: rkumar[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in

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