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Teacher’s Training Programme 2023 for B.Ed and D.Ed Students by Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai [June 19-30; Two Batches]: Register Now!

Teacher's Training Programme 2023 for B.Ed and D.Ed Students by Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai

Teacher's Training Programme 2023 for B.Ed and D.Ed Students by Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai

Registrations are invited for Teacher’s Training Programme 2023 for B.Ed and D.Ed Students by Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai. The programme will be conducted in 2 batches.

Nehru Science Centre (NSC) is the largest interactive science centre in India. It is located in Worli, Mumbai.

Teachers’ Training Programme (TTP) for B.Ed./ D.Ed. students is organized at least three times in a year. In this programme, participants are trained in designing and fabrication of low cost or no cost teaching aids and kits based on basic principles of science. These teaching aids will be useful for them as they can utilize these during the classroom teaching. The programme also includes guidance on setting up of a science club in school and orientation about the activities of this Science Centre. 

The participants are also taken on guided visits to the different galleries & exposure to various other facilities at Science Centre. Thus, the programme is considered very useful for participants in enhancing their skill and knowledge using new techniques for effective teaching.

40 seats per batch.

11 AM-4 PM.

INR 500.

Interested participants can register themselves through email nscm[dot]edu[at]gmail[dot]com.

Ph: +91 9833593192

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