Hiraeth Publishing is organising The Drabble Harvest Contest 2023. Submit your entries by June 30, 2023, and win exciting prizes!

About Hiraeth Publishing

Hiraeth Publishing showcases what they consider the very best in speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal, anything out of the ordinary. They welcome new and established authors and artists equally, as talent is often found in out-of-the-way places. They are a family friendly company, but they don’t shy away from strong language or tough situations if the story or artwork calls for it.

Submission Guidelines

A “drabble” is defined as a short story containing exactly precisely no more and no fewer than 100 words. It has a title, which can be from 1 to 15 words, but no more than 15.

You have to count each word. Hyphenated words, such as tete-a-tete, count as one word. Don’t use your word count tool to count the words, because that tool will count an ellipsis (…) as three words, which really should not be counted at all. It will also count dashes (-) as words, which is wrong. So count each word by sight, not by tool.

Their drabble contests have themes. For each contest, they will simply throw the theme out there. Whatever the theme inspires you to write, that’s what you write.

Theme of the Contest

Space Station Duty-Free

This should be self-explanatory. What would people/aliens try to smuggle in? Or out?


June 30, 2023.

How to Submit?

  • All entries should be submitted to the Contest Editor, Terrie Leigh Relf, at tlrelf[at]gmail[dot]com.
  • Send your submission in the body of the email.
  • If you want anything italicized, please indicate by * before and after the word(s) to be italicized.
  • One, please include your contact information in your e-mail. Submissions that do not include contact information – name and mailing address – may be deleted arbitrarily.


Pay for drabbles is 1 cent a word, which means one dollar (Rs. 80+) per drabble. Pay for First Place is $5.00 (Rs. 400+), and pay for Second Place is $2.00 (Rs. 160+).

Other Details

  • Winners will be announced in the August 2023 Hiraeth Publishing Newsletter on their site, as well as on Facebook and on Twitter.
  • They will publish the 20-25 best submissions in September 2023, and a copy of the publication can be purchased from their bookstore. Each contributor will receive payment and a contributor’s copy, with the option to buy additional copies at a discount.

Click here to read the official guidelines of The Drabble Harvest Contest 2023 by Hiraeth Publishing [Payment Per Word].