Applications are invited for Academic Summer School 2023 in Oxford by John Locke Institute. The last date of application is May 14, 2023.

About the Institute

The John Locke Institute is an independent educational organisation that works to embolden the best and brightest students to become more academically ambitious and more intellectually adventurous.

Course Details

The John Locke Institute is hosting three Oxford summer schools in August 2023:

  1. Philosophy Politics & Economics (PPE).
  2. History, Politics & Law (HPL).
  3. Foundation Certificate.

The student accommodation and most of the summer school activities take place at Radley College, which was founded in 1847 by William Sewell, sub-Rector of Exeter College, Oxford. 


6 – 19 August, 2023.




Accommodation is in single rooms with shared bathroom facilities. Male and female students will stay in different buildings. Students will also be living with people of the same age. 

How to Apply?

Interested students can apply online via this link.

Application Deadline

The last date of application is May 14, 2023.


Email: education[at]johnlocke[dot]com

Click here to view the official notification for Academic Summer School 2023 in Oxford by John Locke Institute.